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Choose Your Membership Level
Affiliate Membership
50$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for one year- Supporter or Out of State Producer
Affiliate Membership
50$Every yearAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Supporter or Out of State Producer
Large Breeder
100$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for one year- Voting Rights
Large Breeder
100$Every yearAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Voting Rights
Small Breeder
50$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for one year- Less than 10 deer, non-voter
Small Breeder
50$Every yearAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Less than 10 deer, non-voter
Hunting Ranch
100$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for one year- Voting Rights
Hunting Ranch
100$Every yearAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Voting Rights
Affiliate Membership
300$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for 3 years- Supporter or Out of State Producer
Affiliate Membership
300$Every yearAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Supporter or Out of State Producer
Large Breeder
300$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for 3 years- Voting Rights
Large Breeder
300$Every 3 yearsAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Voting Rights
Small Breeder
150$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for 3 years- Less than 10 deer, non-voter
Small Breeder
150$Every 3 yearsAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Less than 10 deer, non-voter
Hunting Ranch
300$No automatically recurring paymentsValid for 3 years- Voting Rights
Hunting Ranch
300$Every 3 yearsAutomatic renewal (recurring payments)- Voting Rights

Sign up online (at checkout) or download the pdf to become a part of the Missouri Deer Association!
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